5N2 Grantors & Partnerships Acknowledgement
Increasing food security in Scarborough does not happen by the efforts of a few, but rather in the context of a community. We are so grateful for those who have come alongside us to make the work we are doing possible.
Since 2013, we have expanded our services to include home meal deliveries, a free food pantry service, a community garden project, and a seniors program which became especially important ever since the start of the pandemic.
To learn more about our current projects or to get involved with 5N2, please click on the icons below.
We would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to our partners:
Second Harvest
Breakfast Club of Canada
Community Food Centres Canada
Dow Canada
City of Toronto
Ontario Trillium Foundation
Food Banks Canada
Scheinberg Relief Fund
Starbucks Canada Charitable Fund, held at Vancouver Foundation